• Kujitunza Nafsi



    “Kujitunza Nafsi” by Eliona Kimaro is a guidebook focusing on self-care and personal well-being. Through practical advice and actionable steps, the book emphasizes the importance of nurturing mental, emotional, and physical health. Readers will find valuable insights and techniques to cultivate inner peace, resilience, and overall happiness in their lives.


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  • Vipande 26 Vya Keki


    Zipo kanuni tu ambazo endapo zitafuatwa zinaweza kumuongoza na zisipofuatwa zinaweza kumuangusha binadamu katika maisha yake ya kila siku na cha ajabu zaidi kwenye hayo maisha, unaweza kufuata kanuni na ukakosa kufaulu na ukaacha kufuata kanuni na bado ukaweza kufaulu.

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  • Strategic Management, governance and Ethics


    The topic covered in this book include strategic management, strategic position, strategic choices, strategic implementation etc. The book covers strategic capability and development, value chain and network, marketing and marketing strategic plan, international business strategies.

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  • Purposeful Parenting and Poorly Invested Sons


    The ongoing campaigns for a girl child empowerment might set back the need for a boy child to be prepared and sharpened to face life. Equally, parents may be carried out with this song of the girl’s power and forget about the boy’s power. In this book here comes a well prepared, shaped, and packaged girls to face the masculine world of unprepared poor boys. This book is full of insights to enlighten parents on quality and balanced parenting in this modern era. Peruse this compelling book and use the gems to add value to your Child(both boys and girls) for a greener adulthood life.

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  • Money Management


    When you read the book you will learn the habit of savings and the concept of investing. You will learn the difference between saving and investing, goals, how to budget and how to group the expenses of your money in five groups. Also you will learn challenges in matters of investing savings but also you will learn relationship between expenditure and savings, debts and loans.

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  • Financial Statements and Competitive Advantage Analysis


    This book evaluates performance of two types of business i.e manufacturing industry business and bank industry. The book provides models on how to write statement on corporate governance, sustainability reporting and risk management strategy with illustrative questions to test readers understanding.

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  • Biashara Bora


    Zaidi ya asilimia 80 ya biashara mpya hufa kabla ya kutimiza miaka miwili. Hapa utajifunza aina za biashara bora, mambo ya kuzingatia kabla ya kuanzisha biashara, sifa na tabia za biashara bora ili uanzishe, uzalishe, umiliki na uwekeze katika biashara.

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  • Best Auditing Book


    Auditing questions and answers contain more than 200 examinations styles auditing questions and answers covering 30 topics. Topic and answers covered in this book are like Fundamental accounting principle, financial statement review engagements, audit risk, Fundamental principle on code of ethics for professional accountants by IFA/NBBA etc. This book can be used by any reader who is doing audit courses, examinations or audit work.

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  • Auditing, Governance and Financial Analysis


    The topic covered in this book include; International Standards on Auditing (ISA), International Auditing Practice Statements ( IAPS); The background, evolution of auditing, fundamental accounting and auditing principles,fundamental issues in governance, financial reporting and corporate governance, how to analyze business and interpret financial statements etc.

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  • Advanced Auditing for CPA & Degree


    This book is suitable for academic and professional students, tutors and practitioners of Business studies Aspiring for association of ACCA, CPA, CSPS, B.Com, MBA, MSc, specializing in accounting, finance, taxation and auditing. The topic covered include evolution of Auditing, Planing and control, Audit evidence, Financial Institution (bank) audit, Fundamental issues in governance etc.

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